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Peru Fair

  • Peru Fair Peru, VT (map)

The Peru Fair will be celebrating its 41st Fair on Saturday, September 28, 2024

“What is the Peru Fair?”, people ask. Those who know stop, smile and explain, “one of the nicest country fairs you will ever know.” 

The Peru Fair began in 1978 as the “end of the world tag sale.” but what had evolved is not what a tag-saler would ever dream of.  Each year approximately 100 exhibitors converge on the tiny village of Peru, Vermont located off Route 11 to display and sell their arts, but most of all to be discovered by craft seekers of all types. 

Early morning of the fair, booths, displays, and crafts are set up, smells of food begin to stretch across and before too long, the parade of whimsical characters officially opens the Fair, and music and entertainment fill the air. 

Proceeds of the Fair are donated to the Peru Scholarship Fund. The Peru Scholarship Fund is an organization that distributes educational scholarships to the children of Peru for higher education. 

Highlights of the Fair include a pig roast, art demonstrations, church exhibits of yesteryear, artisan crafts, music, dancing, and foods of all tastes.

More info:

September 21

West River Farmers Market

October 4

Brattleboro Flea